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For general questions contact us at:
NeuroCamp Munich e.V.
For questions related to the application process contact us at:
What is NeuroCamp?NeuroCamp is a summer school for high school students in Munich. It is organized by current LMU students, as well as young researchers. We want to introduce students to the fascinating and exciting field of Neuroscience.
Who can participate?The summer camp is made for Senior (final and penultimate year) Gymnasium students.
Where is NeuroCamp 2024 taking place?NeuroCamp 2024 will be hybrid! You can join us either from the comfort of your home or in-person in Munich. On-site NeuroCamp takes place in Munich. Lectures are held at the Martinsried Campus of the LMU (Biocenter, Großhaderner Str. 2, 82152 Planegg). Mini research projects take place in different locations, depending on the laboratory in which you will be working.
How much does it cost?We ask all on-site participants to pay a deposit fee of 100 euros that will be returned to the participants upon successful completion of the camp (all participants need to attend at least 80% of the camp to be able to claim their deposit back). Participants that will attend the camp in-person are responsible to cover by themselves the costs for traveling and accommodation in Munich. Due to legal reasons, we are only able to cover transportation costs to the camp for highly qualified students from the area of Munich. The cost per participant in-person is 350 euros but it is covered by the sponsors of Neurocamp 2023. We believe that financial situation of students should not be an obstacle to obtaining education and knowledge. Therefore, upon financial difficulties please contact the Neurocamp team and we will work on a solution together.
How does hybrid NeuroCamp work exactly?Participants of Neurocamp 2023 can attend either online or in-person. The first week, there will be morning lectures given by scientists from the Munich Universities and other neuroscience-related events! The second week, Monday to Wednesday, you will work on a research project with 3-4 participants per group (only for in-person participants), supervised by a young neuroscientist. Thursday you will work with your teammates to make a presentation of your project to present to the other students on Friday. Please note that depending on the participation mode different conditions apply. Read below. Online Neurocamp Participants that attend on-line will be able to access all the lectures and online activities during the first week of Neurocamp. All sessions will take place online through a video platform, and the students will connect remotely. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer online participants the opportunity to participate in research projects online during the second week. On-site participants On-site participants will attend lectures at the LMU campus in Martinsried during the first week and participate in other neuroscience-related events and social activities. During the second week, in-person participants will be in a real neuroscience lab for their research project.
I’ve never done Neuroscience before. Can I still apply?YES PLEASE! The main objective of the school is to introduce students to the fascinating field of Neuroscience. Thus, we do not expect you to have any prior knowledge of this discipline. If you have done Neuroscience before, then this will be a great opportunity for you to learn about the field in more depth. In general, the school is open for everyone who has a genuine interest in the subject.
What level of English do I need?The whole course will be conducted in English, so you must be able to speak and understand written and spoken language. You don’t have to be fluent, but a minimum B1 level will be necessary. As a rule of thumb, if you are able to read and understand everything on this website - you will be fine. Some teachers and assistants will speak German, so they may be able to support you during the week. Additionally, prior to the beginning of the course you will receive a glossary with the main new English words and terms necessary for the camp. If you are unsure about your level of English - just drop us a message and we will assist you!
I am not from Germany/the EU/Europe, can I still apply?Yes! We encourage applications from all over the world.
Do I have to live in Munich?No. However, we do not provide accommodation. So if you wish to participate and are selected and are coming from outside of Munich, you will have to arrange for your own stay.
Do you provide accommodation?No. If you are coming from outside of Munich, you will have to arrange for your own stay.
What are the arrangements for food?We will provide you with lunch and coffee breaks. You will have to have breakfast and dinner at home.
Who are the teachers?A mixture of professors as well as younger researchers will be your teachers. As a rule, more senior scientists will give the lectures, and PhD students and post-doctoral researchers will work closely with you during the research projects. Additionally, MSc and PhD students will be around during the whole week, and you can chat with them about anything you want.
I feel like I don’t know enough about neuroscience. Should I really apply?Absolutely! Neurocamp is a great learning opportunity if you’re interested in Neuroscience. Our aim is to teach you what neuroscience is and to show you what the job of a scientist looks like. If you’re motivated and keen to learn, that’s all you need!
Do you give certificates?Yes. At the end of the school you will receive a certificate of participation. Unfortunately however, we are unable to give school credits.
What will a typical day look like at NeuroCamp?As you can see in the timetable provided on our website, in the first week you will have two morning lectures each day about several topics in the field of neuroscience (about one hour each). After a lunch break, there will be another session, which will be either a lecture, a hands-on session or a soft skills workshop. We will end each day with a wrap-up session to summarize and reflect on the day, chat a bit, ask questions, and have a fun quiz to keep things exciting! There will be breaks in between all sessions as well, where you can interact with other students, get something to eat and drink, stretch your legs, … In the second week, you will work on a research project that you chose beforehand for the first three days. For this research project you will be assigned to a neuroscience researcher, who will be your tutor, together with 2-3 other students. You will learn about experiments, experimental design and you will generate your own results from these experiments and interpret them! Thursday you will then work with your teammates to prepare a presentation of your project to present to the other students on Friday.
When and how do I get to choose my project for Week 2?One month before the start of NeuroCamp, there will be a kick-off event where six researchers will present you a virtual lab project that they offer. Afterwards, you can rank the projects and tell us your preferences (from most to least interesting). Based on your top 3 choices we will try to fairly distribute you to your preferred lab along with 2 or 3 other students. On week 2 of NeuroCamp you will then work together as a team with your tutor on this project. Of course we are more limited this year regarding the scope and topics of the projects, nonetheless we will still try to provide you with some practical neuroscience skills and experience. This may for example involve developing experiments, analysing data, etc.
In what time zone does Neurocamp happen?As NeuroCamp is based in Munich, Germany, our lecturers and tutors work on Munich time (CEST). The schedule will be arranged according to this time zone. However, we are mindful of participants joining from other parts of the world. If you have any other concerns regarding this point, please let us know, and we will try to figure out a solution.
What do I get from NeuroCamp?When you have successfully completed NeuroCamp with at least 80% attendance, you will get a certificate (we will ship it to you). We will also ship you a goodie bag with lots of cool stuff. And, of course, you will gain a great experience, learn a lot and get to know like-minded people!
Why do you need a deposit?Since there are a lot of people volunteering their time and resources to make NeuroCamp happen - from the team, to the lecturers and tutors in the labs - we ask you to pay a deposit of 100 € as an insurance that you will attend NeuroCamp activities. The deposit will be refunded back to you after the completion of the camp. It is required that you attend at least 80% of the camp during the first week and full-time attendance is required during the second week in order to successfully complete the camp and get the refund. However, due to the pandemic, if you have any questions or problems regarding this point, contact us and we will be flexible and figure out a solution based on your individual case.
What happens if I have registered for Neurocamp and find out later that I cannot (fully) attend?Our policy is that we will provide a certificate if there has been at least 80% attendance. We also start the preparations for the NeuroCamp a month in advance (end of June), when you choose the research project you would like to do, so you can schedule everything. However, we understand that due to the current situation, there could be sudden changes difficult to foresee even one month in advance. If that is the case, let us know and we will do our best to figure a solution that works best for your situation.
What do I need to do to apply?First and foremost, you need to have an interest in learning about Neuroscience :) Then you need to fill in the application form, telling us about yourself and your motivation. Upon admission to the camp, we will then ask you to pay a refundable deposit of 100 € as a guarantee that you will attend the camp
I have another question. Whom can I ask?If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at, or just use the contact form below.
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